1. Back to the Future II (1989)
Set in 2015
The movie follows Marty McFly, who has to travel forward in time in order to stop his future-self from doing something that ruins his life. Back to the Future II predicted many things we use in current life: voice activated lights and other tech, the Cubs winning the world series, video calls, and more. But it also got a lot wrong.
Rehydrator Pizza
While personal dehydrator machines are a thing you can buy, there is no machine that does the opposite, probably because you could just add water for the same effect.
In one scene, the future McFly family brings a Pizza Hut pizza to the house that’s been dehydrated and pops it into a machine, and a full, hot pizza comes out. This was a magical item we all wish existed, but only as 10 year olds because Pizza Hut isn’t great.
Dual Ties
Fashion is an ever-evolving art. Each year, new fashionable items are released and people glom onto them: like deep v t-shirts and ankle socks. Back to the Future predicted plenty of different types of fashion tech, none of which would have ever existed if the movie never came out and passionate fans/companies didn’t make said products.
One of the fashion pieces to come out of these movies was dual ties. One tie means you’re professional. Two ties means you’re super-professional. Marty McFly is seen wearing one of these ties during his video call, and while he can’t play guitar anymore, he certainly does look like a double-businessman.
Other Future Tech
Back to the Future II is filled with other technology that never saw the light of day. There’s the flying car–or services that convert your current car into a flying car. That’s what many people take away from the movie. “Where’s my flying car?” You also may be wondering the same about a jacket that is self-drying, but let’s be honest. How many times are you jumping into the water with your jacket? And why should self-lacing shoes exist when you can just lace your shoes loosely and just slip in and out of them?
Where to watch: Netflix
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