Attack on Titan recently wrapped up its anime adaptation, bringing its grand saga and a decade of storytelling to an end. Fans can now complete their Blu-ray collection of the anime by preordering Attack on Titan: The Final Chapters Limited Edition ahead of its November 26 release. Priced at $67.49 on the Crunchyroll Store (already discounted from $90), this collector’s edition comes with terrific extra content as well. On Amazon, this is currently listed for $90, but like other Blu-ray releases, you can expect this to drop to match Crunchyroll’s price. You won’t be charged for your Amazon preorder until it ships, and you’ll pay the lowest price offered since placing your order.
Note: A standard edition without collectibles is also available on the Crunchyroll Store for $52.49 (was $70). Amazon should be taking preorders for the standard edition soon.
Attack on Titan: The Final Chapters Limited Edition comes with the following:
- Blu-ray and DVD discs
- 148-page art book
- 32-page digital book
- Seven art cards
- Two exclusive Titan enamel pins
For the on-disc content, The Final Chapters includes all three of the Attack on Titan television films, as well as clean ending credits. If you need a quick recap of what to expect in this trio of TV movies, The Final Chapters focuses on Eren Jaeger, who has unleashed an army of Titans to destroy all enemies beyond Paradis in one massive act of genocide. Only his former enemies and allies stand against him, but even they won’t be enough to stop him from unleashing a cataclysm upon the world. It’s do-or-die for everyone involved, as Eren is hellbent on exterminating the majority of humanity and he has enough power to achieve his goals.
It’s a meme at this point, but Attack on Titan’s final season lasted a whopping three years from start to end. While fans of the franchise are no strangers to long gaps between seasons–just look at the protracted development of the first season–The Final Season was a torturous stretch for anyone invested in the series. But soon you can watch the complete series on Blu-ray whenever you please.
While most of the seasons are easy enough to obtain on Blu-ray for reasonable, often discounted, prices. The one interesting anomaly here is Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 1’s Limited Edition, which is hard to find for a remotely reasonable price. With that in mind, you may want to preorder The Final Chapters Limited Edition to avoid paying a premium down the road.
Buy Attack on Titan Anime – Complete Series
One of the defining anime series of the 2010s and 2020s, the series is a modern-day masterpiece from start to end. What makes it stand out is that the show constantly throws curveballs at you, as you never know what to expect from the plot and you can never prepare yourself emotionally for truly devastating scenes of death and destruction. What began as a simple tale of humanity struggling to survive against the hordes of man-eating giants roaming the world, quickly evolved into a fascinating character-driven saga with some of the best action scenes of all time. It’s thrilling, shocking, and unforgettable.
Buy Attack on Titan Manga – Complete Series
If you’d like to go back to the source, Attack on Titan manga is also available in several collected editions. What’s interesting here is that these have been arranged to tie in with the anime series, so you can pick up seasonal collections. The illustrations here are gruesomely gorgeous, and since they all have the same size format, they’ll look pretty great on a shelf when you’re not busy reading them.
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