Balatro Is Getting A Thank-You Update For Free In 2025

Balatro developer LocalThunk has revealed that the game’s first major gameplay update will come in 2025, and that it will have two more announcements coming later this summer.

“This update will bring new ideas and strategies to the game and as a token of huge appreciation to the game’s brilliant and passionate community,” LocalThunk said on Twitter. “The update will be completely free.” The developer decided to announce the update today as a way of thanking the community as the game has sold two million copies.

The developer also teased that there are two more surprises coming this summer, as indicated by the remaining two face-down cards. Some fans are speculating what the other announcements could be, such as a mobile port, movie adaptation, or cross-progression functionality between platforms.

Balatro has been a huge hit to the point that LocalThunk put in their will that the game can’t be used for any real gambling even after their death. In GameSpot’s Balatro review, we said, “Balatro’s ingenious combination of poker and roguelite gameplay creates an intoxicating combination that’s hard to pull away from.”

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