The Ya Boy Kongming! anime aired in Japan on April 5, 2022. Unfortunately, for many viewers, it was only available to stream on Hidive and not more popular platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Crunchyroll.
Hidive is a bit of a controversial platform. They do have a few good shows, such as Oshi no Ko, Call of the Night, Bloom into You, and Ya Boy Kongming! However, the platform, which used to be international, shut down many of its services in countries outside the US, which means that these exclusives are highly limited when it comes to who can watch them.
According to anime fans, their platform isn’t the best. The website is relatively fine to use, but trying to watch on the app is sometimes all but impossible. These problems make it so many people aren’t willing to pay the additional cost for the platform, even for exclusive series.
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