New Crunchyroll Romance Anime Butchers The Original Story

While I thought the pacing was a little slow in the webcomic, especially later in the story, the animated version of True Beauty went in the complete opposite direction. There were a lot of parts cut from the plot, which ended up changing the storyline.

Now, I know parts have to be cut and changed a little to make the pacing work better in a TV show, but this wasn’t the way to do it. They managed to get rid of all of the parts that developed the characters, completely skimming over Jugyeong’s struggles with bullying and how long and hard she worked to develop her makeup techniques.

By the end of the third episode, over 28 chapters of the comic were covered, and five major story arcs from the original True Beauty. That’s nearly 10 chapters an episode. To cram that much of the story into one standard-length episode, some of the sweeter moments between Jugyeong and Suho, and a lot of her family interactions were completely left out.

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