Star Wars Best Jedi Knew Exactly When He Would Die And How

phantom menace

This theory is in part a result of me considering where I fall in a debate that will likely endure for as long as Star Wars media exists: which duel is the franchise’s best?

Even to the most outspoken prequel haters, the duel between Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul is always a frontrunner.

The duel is wonderfully choreographed but, I felt, that was part of the problem. I thought that—particularly after Qui-Gon dies and Darth Maul faces Obi-Wan alone—the Phantom Menace duel comes off more like a dance.

Compared to, for example, the duel between Vader and Luke in The Empire Strikes Back, the Phantom Menace was just too clean, the combatants’ moves too perfect. While Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul came off like a gorgeously choreographed movie duel, I felt, Luke vs Vader in Empire felt like two people actually trying to survive a desperate fight.

But then I remembered something that should’ve been obvious: the Force.

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