Vulgar R-Rated Comedy Classic From Fan-Favorite Director Leaving Netflix

The production of Clerks has become the stuff of legend. Kevin Smith quits film school, sells his comics, maxes out his credit cards, and makes a movie for under $30,000—a paltry budget even in 1994 dollars. Smith takes the film to Sundance, Miramax picks up distribution rights, and the rest is history. I may have glossed over a few bits, but essentially, that’s how it happened.

Now, 30 years later, the film is considered an Indie classic, and the comedy genre can broken into two eras. BC—Before Clerks—and AD—After Dante.

You need to hurry up and watch it soon, though. Clerks is streaming on Netflix, but it leaves on September 30, so don’t dilly-dally.

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